Corporate Governance and Code of Ethics

The Corporate Governance of Zago S.p.A. is the company’s administration and control system - the set of legal and technical mechanisms and rules that ensure an effective and efficient governance of the company with the aim of creating medium- and long-term value for its shareholders, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders.

A tool for sustainable value

Corporate Governance is a fundamental element of Zago's business model: together with the business strategy, it supports us in building a relationship of trust with our stakeholders, helping us reach our business goals and create long-term sustainable value.

Integrity and transparency

Integrity and transparency are the founding elements of our corporate governance system, which is based on the general and special regulations applicable to the Articles of Association, the Code of Ethics, internal regulations, and international best practices.

Reliability and efficiency

Company management is entrusted to the Board of Directors and supervisory functions are assigned to the Board of Statutory Auditors. In addition, the statutory auditing of the accounts is assigned to an external auditing firm.



Organisation, management and control model

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Procedure to Report to the Supervisory Body

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